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Pittsburgh Bike Party (October 2013)

Friday October 19th 2013 It's time for another fun filled event. Come join us for a awesome bike ride through the city. *Remember helmets and lights are required to participate* --What is a Bike Party?-- A Bike Party is a welcoming, family-friendly, all-inclusive, FREE event consisting of a leisurely-paced bicycle ride (complete with music and mechanical support) and ending with a post-ride party. The group pedals through the city at a slow, welcoming pace appropriate for riders of all ages and capabilities. You get a chance to make new friends, learn new routes, and have fun on your bike! --Where?-- We'll meet at Dippy the Dino (on Forbes Ave in Oakland, in front of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, across from the Cathedral of Learning). --When?-- We'll meet at 6pm and leave at 6:30pm. (Won't be off work in time? We'll post the route later so that you can catch up with us along the way.) --How long is the ride?-- Around 8-10 miles. --What's the route?-- --What should I bring?-- Helmets. Lights. A bike to put those lights on. And all your friends! --What happens in the case of rain/snow/zombie apocalypse?-- On the afternoon of the ride, we'll decide whether conditions are safe enough to ride. Look for updates here, on Twitter, and on our website a couple of hours before the start of the ride if things are looking sketchy. Brought to you by Flock of Cycles.
2013-10-15 07:33:43
mr marvelous wrote:Friday October 19th 2013
I'm guessing you mean Friday, October 18th?
2013-10-15 19:35:06
That is what the Book of Faces says. Friday the 18th.
2013-10-16 08:49:58
Tomorrow night, looking forward to it!
2013-10-17 19:49:42
Gonnahafta miss this, unfortunately. Motorcycled in today for unrelated reasons.
2013-10-18 05:50:31
I broke my big toe last night at soccer. I will be there though. Prepare yourselves for my complaining the whole time. @Stu, Boo.
2013-10-18 08:45:38
This was an excellent event! Music, evidently by Dead Maus. I re-created my "I'm alive!" dance for some of the curious. (It was better in the original.) The only drawback was that I didn't see Mr Marvelous there.
2013-10-21 10:29:29
@Mick sorry for missing the ride, unfortunately I am off the bike for a week or two. I will be there for the next ride.
2013-10-22 08:19:17
wait, Marcel wasn't there?
2013-10-22 15:22:43