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Plus/Minus Day?

After reading the horrible acounts of the post Bike Fest Party events on East Liberty Blvd. I felt I HAD to find a way to post something positive about a recent ride/treatment/whatever.

So, to steal from the world of hockey, I am happy to report that I am PLUS three for today. Three people acknolwledged me in a positive way on my ride into work this morning, and there were no negative interactions. Oh, and I found a slightly better routing that eliminates the worst part of my ride. Plus three! Can anyone beat that?

2009-08-17 13:08:51

mmmmmmmm positive energy...lovely. watch it spread

2009-08-17 13:09:48

I'm honestly starting to think that riding to work is helping me be a better person. I mean, instead of sitting on a bus and being annoyed (by the girl on the cell phone, the guy leering at me, and the person behind me who potentially just coughed on the back of my neck....) I get to go out when there are few people around, ride a nice trail where I am respectfully acknowledged by other cyclists, and generally be less irritable by the time I get to work.

I think this is a good thing.

2009-08-18 03:13:47

Exercise burns off stress too. Instead of sitting and adding to your stress, you are working it all out on your bike.

2009-08-18 13:09:13

Agreed, I am a much happier person when I ride to work. I also definitely go through withdrawal if a go a couple days without it.

2009-08-18 13:44:26

endorphines are a wonderful thing.

2009-08-18 14:54:03