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PMTCC ride today?

Anybody know if there's a PMTCC ride today - and if so, where it starts? The BikePGH calendar says yes from 2-4:30 (but no location). The PMTCC website calendar doesn't mention a ride today. I'd love to do the ride, if it is today!

2012-08-26 13:50:53

I know there was one on Saturday at 8:00am: Wear Your PMTCC Kit Ride (C-class/ 50mi/hills).

Jaine (she was leading PMTCC weekly trail ride) canceled it due to lack of interest. I've talked to her (my two coworkers expressed very light interest in those rides) and she said that she would reestablish it if there are at least 6 people. You can ask her yourself since she is pretty regular on TeamDecaf, PMTCC OTB, and Grupetto rides.

2012-08-26 15:30:31


Thanks for your reply. That's too bad there wasn't enough interest for it. I'll just look forward to my first ride with the Major Taylor Club at another event.



2012-08-26 17:14:51

Wednesday OTB rides are non drop and usually pretty slow unless a small group of equal riders gets together (in this case it could be pretty fast).

2012-08-26 20:20:46