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Port Authority drivers at it again

On my way to work this morning, I was riding inbound in the Penn Ave bike lane, and there was some maintenance equipment in the lane (between 7th and 8th I think), so I got out of the bike lane and into the left traffic lane at the light before the obstruction. This was apparently just too much for the Port Authority bus driver in the lane next to me, because he started yelling at me that I needed to be in the bike lane. When I pointed out (well, yelled with obscenities actually) that there was equipment in the lane, he responded that it was "all the way up there", which was actually a half a block. Our exchange got less productive from there. I was able to note the license plate and bus number, so I'll try to make a complaint for all the good that will do. Anyone have ideas about the best way to do that? I know it's been discussed on other threads, but I can't remember when or where.
2014-09-19 08:04:46
If the light timing makes it convenient, that's the PERFECT time and place to get over. I would understand (though still disagree) if the "all the way up there" complaint if it were several lights back. But sheesh, the expectation is a last second mid-block dash across oncoming traffic?!
2014-09-19 08:50:45
Exactly. That's pretty much why I responded with shouted profanity. Not really the best way to react, but his demand was so absurd.
2014-09-19 09:19:29
"left traffic lane"? There is only one traffic lane inbound. And a parking lane. I can see his frustration if you pulled in front of the bus with little enough advance warning that he'd need to take evasive action. If that was the case, then I'd have to ask why you didn't yield to the driver, as it would be the same as if you were in a car making a lane change from a left lane into a right lane. OTOH, if you were well ahead of the bus and made your intentions known that you needed to get into the motor vehicle lane to get around the parked equipment, and got right back into the cycle lane once past it, then I don't see where the guy has a case.
2014-09-19 11:13:07
"There is only one traffic lane inbound. And a parking lane." Huh, that's amazing because the bus was in a separate lane next to me when I got yelled at. During rush hour, parking is prohibited on that stretch of Penn, so yes, in fact, there are two traffic lanes. And for the record, I'm not so crazy that I would cut off a freaking bus; there was no traffic at all when I changed lanes. Pretty strange for you to make this comment after spending several days defending a woman who takes the lane on a HIGHWAY, and regularly asserting the right of cyclists to ride in whatever legal way feels safest to them.
2014-09-19 12:08:08
@WillB, Stu is always trying to be helpful. Please don't interpret his comments as a slight upon your biking skills.
2014-09-19 12:09:46
Port Authority has a layover point on inbound Penn at about 8th Street. It is very common to see a bus parked there. Is that what was the case here? I do not make snide comments without being obvious about it. If you think I made a snide comment, the best approach with me is to ask me about it, i.e., "Is that what you meant?" Occasionally I don't pick the best wording, but I don't insinuate stuff. And yes, I do fully support the woman in KY, without apology. The more I learn about her case, the more I find myself promoting her philosophy. But that's being followed in a different thread.
2014-09-19 15:25:26
So… a bus driver yelled at you? That's it? Am I missing something?
2014-09-19 15:26:21