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Portland has problems

Been following this for a while on bike Portland. It seems some people have been intentionally placing nails and tacks in the bike lanes there. and as the this post things just got a bit meaner.

I am posting this since I know people here have been harassed and yelled at and what not. (I havent but them im a non-to-stable looking huge hairy guy - not your typical cyclist) but at least I havent heard of anyone trying to do anything like this.

2011-10-20 15:44:04

I once hit a cinderblock that was hidden under a pile of yard waste (leaves) in a bike lane in Davis, CA. People just dump their green waste near the street, and some giant vacuum truck comes and sucks it up. Kind of a neat system, except for all the piles of crap in the bike lanes, and the asshole kids that hide bricks under said piles.

2011-10-20 16:07:37

Didn't someone here see a guy putting hazards into the Forbes Ave bike lane up the hill from Margaret Morrison?

Some scary creeps out there.

2011-10-20 16:23:40

What exactly do they think they'll accomplish? Fixing a flat is relatively cheap and easy. If this keeps up, you're going to have militant bicyclists start tossing out homemade spike strips. Getting a car's flat tire fixed is expensive and a pain.

Also, @dwillen, those cinderblocks are likely a deterrent for the people who like to drive cars through the piles and make a mess.

2011-10-20 16:24:45

Is it wrong to think it would be taken seriously if the debris was moved to the motor vehicle lanes?

2011-10-20 16:32:06

I'm guessing the perps aren't trying to accomplish anything, besides annoyance. Don't read too much into motives.

Also, I agree with chemicaldave: blocks in leaf piles are traditionally used as a surprise for drivers--I recall folks doing this when I was growing up.

2011-10-20 17:01:46