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Random acts of kindness

I was talking to my downstairs neighbor/landlord this morning and she came up with a great idea. To just go outside one morning to the corner of Roup and Coral (where we live) and just have cups of OJ and homemade muffins for cyclists who ride by. The whole idea is to not announce it or make a "day" out of it, but just to choose a random day surprise the cyclists who ride by.

This thread is to see if others are willing to do this in other parts of town and to come up with more ideas to show bicyclists our appreciation.

2009-08-26 14:38:55

I'd be down.

2009-08-27 21:04:24

I live near the Blvd of teh allies where it comes out of schenley park. Bikers zip by ther epretty quicly, but if we ccould set upi some kind of sign, it would be great place for people to stop.

I'd be glad to man a little stand out there. I would not be available for baking muffins, however. The quality of my personally baked goods is such that we could reserve them for SUV drivers.)


2009-08-27 21:20:06

Mick, since I am right by you, we could team up.

Scott, if you want to go through with this, let me know. I can get you a real good deal on some banners or signs.

2009-08-27 21:26:44

Scott, make sure to let me know when you decide to do this so I can swing through Friendship ;-)

2009-08-28 13:15:17

Nick, that would be excellent!

2009-08-28 15:44:50

i'd be interested in doing this in or around downtown and the strip!

2009-08-28 15:46:57

How about handing out muffins to people riding bikes in Oakland who *aren't* on the sidewalk terrorizing the peds.

2009-08-28 16:14:35