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Ravenstahl wipes out most of citizen police review board

This is moderately unrelated to biking in Pittsburgh, but I wanted to post it because a lot of us were impacted by the events during the G-20 summit.

Does this strike anyone else as completely wrong?

2010-06-18 18:21:21

The P-G blurb has some quotes from the mayor's spokesperson.

The timing of this is a bit suspect, even if the claims about the board members are true (service is up/don't currently live in the city). One would think the mayor knew this before the board went to court to secure documents around the events of the G20.

2010-06-18 19:03:45

Bah, still don't really know what the citizen's review board does. All they do is "investigate" and they hardly have the power to do that. They have no power against the police. Like really, all they DO is review.

2010-06-18 19:18:19

true, but i don't think that's a problem with the board, but a problem with what the board is able to do. they don't have teeth like they should. and when you're dealing with a police department that basically has the policy to ignore the CPRB, then you don't really get much done. even when they do show up, Eugene Hlavac (now fired for domestic violence reasons) was in front of the board for how he treated Critical Mass a bunch of years back, and he sat in the hearing listening to his ipod the whole time on full blast

here's a good article about the cprb

2010-06-20 15:35:24