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Rear Brake Lever Placement

So, my dad commutes fixed everyday, riding with a front brake. However, when he travels sometimes he'll flip the wheel over and ride free. As a result he has been missin that back brake. He decided to wire it under the seat.

Truth be told, he's actually a unicyclist now because of course, "it's the only true fixed gear". As such, it is speculated by family members that this is where the impetus for such a baffling lever placement choice resides:

2008-12-11 18:10:02

I hope he never has to brake while riding past an elementary school.

2008-12-11 19:01:11

TTMBL! Is that vertical or to the right?

2008-12-11 19:01:12

I cannot function without both brakes, but one thing I often do with my bikes is to move the front brake to the right side and rear to the left, if it isn't already that way . Reasoning: I grew up riding motorcycles as much as bicycles, and with the left being the clutch, the front brake is always on the right.

2008-12-11 23:47:07

that seems like a very silly placement. kinda counter intuitive if you need to grip the brakes in a hurry. i've seen worse placements on bike snob nyc tho

2008-12-12 02:36:22

I was referring to the TTMBL. I also have my front brake on the left for the same reason.

I wish we could quote on this board.

2008-12-12 04:19:55

He knows. I told him, but he says he rides it way all all over and that it is fully functional. Maybe I should try and.....

2008-12-13 16:09:17

Please send this photo to Bike Snob

2008-12-13 18:01:28

"I only had 4 inches of cable and had to get out the door"

2008-12-15 19:05:12