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Reminder: Short Flock Ride and Ice Skating


Just a reminder for those not on Facebook that we are getting together tonight for a short ride around town ending with ice skating in Schenley Park.

From the FB event:

Since this month's party ride would fall on Christmas Eve, we are

going to bump it up a week, and push it back a half hour to accommodate more people.

The FOC Party Ride is a welcoming, family friendly, slow-paced bike

ride. All type of riders and all pedal powered machines are welcome.

The pace is easy enough for even the most casual rider. The route

will be planned to limit hill climbs as much as possible.

-Meet at Dippy at ***6p***

-A short ride through the east side of the city.

-Finish at Schenley Ice Rink for skating!!

-Ice skating is $4, skate rental is $2.50.

As always, bike lights are mandatory, and helmets are strongly encouraged.

***If you are driving into the city, park by the ice rink, or by the

library--the start and end points are less than a mile apart.

2010-12-17 16:44:12

Yes! I tested out my glove combo yesterday and it seemed to work, so I am coming.

2010-12-17 18:48:59

it's cheaper this year to skate.

2010-12-17 21:38:36

I'd go if I didn't work in the morning/have a huge final due tonight.

2010-12-17 21:41:36

Did anyone end up skating after I left? Sorry, my feet hurt too much to stay.

2010-12-18 02:39:31

I did not stick around to skate. However, it was worth the ride just for the experience of all those little kids skating over and rapping on the glass & waving when we rode up -- as if we were a bunch of fabulous fish in an aquarium.

Nick: your latest sound system is awesome. It was really fun riding around with blaring Christmas tunes.

2010-12-18 14:49:39

I too begged off skating (I'd rather drop a few in the bucket at OTB come Monday), and biked past Phipps & Dippy, then Fifth to Sixth Avenues, and thawed my toes on a 12A. Home by 9.

Tip: If you're really cold & can use a bus ride, the left/rear-most seat is right over the exhaust system in the engine compartment. You'll get warmed up right quick. (Additional tip: Same heating in same seat also applies in July.)

For all y'uns Flockers: It's great to get together on a cold night & compare notes on preparation for riding in the cold and dark. Some of your lights are so bright it was difficult to follow behind closely. Others are near invisible.

2010-12-18 16:23:20

I had a crappy week, and capped it by not being able to ride or skate. bleh.

2010-12-18 16:31:01

Kayla and I went back and skated, as did Sara and (I cannot recall his name). It was much better after 9:30 when it was 18 and over.

2010-12-19 22:28:01