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Ride a century in Death Valley; fight diabetes.

Hi -

The Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation's Ride to Cure Diabetes is a fantastic event that I've done almost half a dozen times, in places like Death Valley, Glacier National Park, the Smoky Mountains, and Tucson. The home page for the 2011 rides is

This year the scheduled locations are:

Burlington, VT – July 28-31

La Crosse, WI – August 11-14

Lake Tahoe, NV – September 9-12

Death Valley, CA – October 13-16

Tucson, AZ – November 17-20

In exchange for meeting your fundraising goal (in the past $4,500), you get an all expenses paid trip to a special location, a really well-supported century (or 30- or 60-mile rides, if you choose), and an inspiring bunch of fellow riders. Plus you make a difference in finding a cure for type 1 diabetes.

I'll be giving a short information meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, Jan. 12, at 6:30 p.m. at the Panera in Oakland on Blvd. of the Allies. Registration for 2011 will open soon.

Come find out more about the ride and the experience! Or if you can't make the meeting but have an interest, feel free to PM me and I'll be happy to answer any questions.

2011-01-11 15:40:31

Fight diabetes? I'd guess "Battle heat stroke" would be more like it.

2011-01-11 16:14:28

diabetes and hypoglycemia run in my family, we've got type 1, 2, and gestational - all of 'em.

Thank you for posting this, and good luck with your fund raising! Is this the link? edited to add - d'oh, I really can read, better link is above.

2011-01-11 16:38:00

Actually the temperatures in Death Valley in late October are pretty nice - around 80s for a high, I recall, and quite cool in the early morning. The ride starts a little before 6 am, and it's actually an hour or two before you're even riding in sunlight, because of the shadows cast by the nearby mountain range. Plus, you know what they say: it's not the heat, it's the humidity. And there is zero humidity.

Sorry I screwed up that link. I think I forgot to put http. I will try to edit now.

Oops, edit window is over. Okay, link to the website is here.

2011-01-11 17:00:30