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Road Rage 11/22/09

A bunch of my friends and I witnessed a road rage incident between a black pickup truck and a road cyclist yesterday afternoon around 3:45 on Washington Boulevard. If anyone knows the cyclist involved (road bike, red white and blue top with stripes), we probably can back him up if he's filing charges.

Not sure what set it off, but harsh words and gestures were exchanged as the cyclist and pickup shared the right lane. The pickup pulled to the right, cutting the cyclist off. The cyclist moved into the left lane, came alongside the truck, and continued arguing with the driver through the window. After a few seconds the pickup driver swerved at the cyclist, forcing him to cross into the oncoming lane (which luckily didn't have cars in it).

Didn't see the truck driver or license plate; I'm guessing the cyclist was a man from his size and willingness to continue the altercation, but I could be wrong.

Ride safe, everyone!

2009-11-24 01:20:09

Yikes. Good example of why you should just let it go. No reason to risk your life to win an argument.

2009-11-24 13:59:49

"When keeping it real goes wrong."

2009-11-24 21:00:44