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Schwinn Searcher SL (1999 Aluminum Cruiser Style) FS

The Thrift Store on Ohio River Boulevard in Avalon has just put a 1999 Schwinn Searcher SL bike on sale. Cost is $34.95. 24 speed, metallic gold fade color, looks to be in good condition. Too big for me, or I'd pick it up myself. Schwinn uses the 17", 19" and 21" designations, but they confuse me. I stood next to the bike, and would guess it as a 29" or 30" standover height. (Note, this is the earlier, cruiser style, with the curved top tube. Sort of stylish....!)

It'll go fast at that price.

2010-12-29 05:15:02

Update: Although 'net says this is aluminum, I see some signs of rust pitting on the frame, making me believe that it is steel. Probably not worth the time/money.

2010-12-29 13:58:28