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sean mcdowell

Sean, I don’t listen to your station and I don’t do the Facebook thing, so I only know what happened vie this message board. It sounds like you made a statement of fact (the cyclist running red lights) but did it in a way that was perceived to be anti-bike by those here, and those that follow you online/on-air. The fact that you are man enough to come to this message board and apologize is much appreciated. As others have said, we have had a bad year with cyclists getting hurt or killed by drivers who then did not even care about our lives so much as to even stop and render aid. I know you probably didn’t mean to add fuel to that fire, which your apology confirms. It would be awesome if you joined us for a group ride to show you traffic from our perspective sometime.

2012-09-13 14:45:10

my name is sean mcdowell, i work for WDVE, i have great remorse for my poorly worded post on F-book last Sun. morning...i grouped all bicyclists in with just a few renegades...if i could take that post back, i would...i am not an agressive guy at all, that post of mine does not accurately describe me...i sent an apologetic e-mail to Scott Bricker and i have sent a check to Colin Albright c/o OTB Bicycle Cafe for his benefit Sat...again, i hope my sincere apology is accepted by members of Bike Pgh. what happened to Colin Albright is awful, i'll pray for his complete recovery...

2012-09-13 14:45:10

Thank you for your apology, Sean. This has been a tough summer for the cycling community in the area, and I think the timing of the Facebook thread was particularly unfortunate in light of what happened with Colin.

With that being said, I agree with orionz06; quite a few of us are frustrated by people (cyclists and motorists) who exacerbate the already palpable tension between both parties with their actions on the roads.

2012-09-13 14:50:59

Cool deal, Sean. Speaking as the guy who posted it over here I think most of us are in agreement with you in some cases, we hate those that do stupid things that cause issues. I think it would be really cool if you had a chance to ride along with some people and see what we do and why it is awesome.

2012-09-13 14:55:33

Thanks for the apology Sean.

I try to follow the traffic laws whether I'm on a bicycle, motorcycle, or driving a car, but the reality is that many people do not, regardless of what type of vehicle they're using. So, I think it's unfair to single out cyclists, since too many people use that as a pretext for anti-cycling comments and behavior.

2012-09-13 15:18:02

Awesome, thanks. Way to step up man.

2012-09-13 15:37:22

Play more local music!

2012-09-13 15:45:37

thanks sean, that means a lot.

2012-09-13 15:46:27

Nicely said, Sean, thank you.

As cyclists, 99% of our encounters with cars are safe and courteous on both sides. The 1% can be very unnerving for everybody involved, but I believe the more we reach out and communicate our good intentions, as you have here, the easier it will be for everybody on the roads to have a less stressful journey.

And you should totally join in a ride some time, because our rides are incredibly fun :D Flock of Cycles comes to mind... I'm quite sure you could find a bike to borrow if you don't have one either. (We do tend to be super evangelical about riding bikes on this board).

2012-09-13 15:54:17

Thank you Mr. McDowell.... appreciated. Thank you for understanding that this has been a hard time for cyclists in Pittsburgh, and we do-not need more on our plate.

I second orionz06's post: We agree that there are bad cyclists out there, but also there's good ones. Come out for a ride sometime!!

And BTW, you have some scary listeners/followers in your ranks. I can honestly say that while I will keep-on riding my bike on the streets, to read the comments and almost threats from some of your "supporters" really depressed me, because I would not want to find any of them when I ride. Feels like even if a cyclists was following all law-abiding rules of the road, for them we will always be a nuisance....

Anyhow, thanks!

2012-09-13 15:55:01

Hello Mr. McDowell, I really admire your response. Hope to see you on your bike soon. Cheers, V.

2012-09-13 16:15:53

Sir, you have class. It takes some guts for a public figure to come forward with a public apology. Thank you.

That said, there is one local radio person, and one national, who said reprehensible things about cyclists a couple years back, which got some discussion on this message board. Some background reading, if you get a chance:

March 2010:

June 2010:

2012-09-13 17:02:23

Thank you, Sean! It's great that you took the time to do this.

Like others, I would like to invite you to a group ride. Flock of Cycles would be perfect. There just happens to be one next Friday:

2012-09-13 17:03:38

Also next Fri. is Parking Day. I realize I'm shooting into the blue sky, but it would be super awesome to have somebody from WDVE covering Parking Day. Joni Mitchell's "They Paved Paradise..." should fit the format.

2012-09-13 17:30:49

Imagine if the people with the loudest voices

had something positive to say.

2012-09-13 18:31:46

Sean - thank you for the apology, clearly you have given your comments some thought.

However, it is easy to come to the group you offended and apologize. Professing your apology over the air to your audience would build awareness and could have a greater impact. Utilizing the same social media outlet for your apology would also expose some of those followers who made disturbing remarks to your mistake.

2012-09-13 18:51:39


Why is there such a huge dichotomy between

your fans loving renegade themed songs but

not actual renegades?

2012-09-13 18:54:40


that video and your point is RIGHT ON!

2012-09-13 19:05:52

Good point,

2012-09-13 19:21:59

Very cool of you to apologize--I agree with the above that it would be great if you could advocate a bit with your followers.

One note: I hope you won't lump in cyclists who ride in the middle of a lane as renegades. Personally, I prefer to ride over to the right of the lane--but after having multiple cars try to squeeze past me at speed with inches to spare (instead of waiting a few seconds until it's safe to pass), in some cases I'm now forced to take the lane for my own safety, as is my legal right. I promise I'm not doing it to be a jerk to drivers--I drive too.

Anyway, thanks again.

2012-09-13 22:49:54

Attaboy, Sean. It takes a lot to own something and be accountable.

I hope you'll frequent the Board, and get to know some in the cycling community. It is a pretty amazing group of people here, who are incredibly passionate about cycling, walking, mass transit, veganism, engineering, statistics... you name it.

So many really good, really caring people here. Looks like you'll fit right in.

2012-09-14 00:52:32

Thanks for the apology, but how about something on air where you remind your listeners not to hit us?

2012-09-14 01:26:59

Appreciate the apology, Sean. Yeah, a comment or two on air to encourage tolerance and understanding would be helpful. Something to get through to the potentially violent listeners that aggression against a vulnerable cyclist is NOT ever cool or defensible.

2012-09-14 09:29:59