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Seasonal / Spring trail & path hazards

1) For the second time in as many weeks I nearly "ate it" on the jail trail in the evening due to a bunny hopping across my path.

2) Be careful on the outbound bike lane on Forbes opposite the cemetery at night. There are a lots of grey sticks and branches right at eyeball-level that you might not see if you're looking down for potholes. Safety glasses advised. I'll submit a 311 report about it today.

2011-03-17 16:37:48

We need more rabbit crosswalks! Something that seems to help at night to scare off the bunnies is to ring your bell.

2011-03-17 16:50:32

@pseudacris: your Viking training is paying off! If I understand your post correctly, you nearly ate a rabbit that passed in front of you on the trail! That's awesome! With a little more practice and some better timing you'll get that rabbit next time!

2011-03-17 16:54:51

Awesome. I have seen the bear crossings underneath highways but nothing like that.

2011-03-17 17:14:45

The infrastructure does stink for the animals. A lot of things that used to drink from the rio grande have been dying off due to the "separation fence" being built along the US/Mexico border.

I think the bunnies are probably waking up & I'm just not used to looking out for them. At dusk, they blend with the pavement.

2011-03-17 17:18:41

Careful with those animal crossing infrastructure ideas redux

2011-03-17 20:38:52








fish ladder

[edit] was trying to make a big ascii arrow pointing to my gravatar - html fail

2011-03-17 21:17:24

I almost got hit by a deer down in the Run on Saturday. I felt something breeze by behind me and saw it running up the hill just past the church.

I've hit a few deer with cars, and even totaled a car that way. I am so glad the deer missed me.

2011-03-17 21:33:32

but no need to rehash

Indeed. Corned beef hash is far tastier the first time around. ;-)

My pet peeve for animal-related trail hazards is more a reflection on humanity.

Specifically that segment of it which chooses to walk their dog on the trail yet unaccountably fails to notice the enormous piles of, uh, donations to the cycle of life.

2011-03-17 22:59:39

On a related note, I was trail running today and two big dogs (probably weighed as much as me) jumped on me, and I think one ripped my shirt (or it was thickets, not sure which) Dog kisses followed

2011-03-17 23:58:24

I once bisected a snake while on the bike, and nearly so on another occasion. Less significant that it happened, more significant where they happened: Both on little-used trails within the city. The first was on the south shore of the Allegheny around 22nd Street, where there's a snippet of trail. The second was on the western dead end of the Duck Hollow Trail.

I hate clobbering wildlife, and I rather like snakes.

2011-03-18 07:46:46

In the fall, a deer ran out in front of me in highland park and just the other night there were deer that ran out in front of me on the panther hollow trail

I tend to stay away from the trails when it is warn because of the poor little stupid bunnies. I swear I am gonna run one over and crash and then cry cause I hit one

2011-03-18 11:57:27


As a 16 year long vegetarian, you make me

feel uncomfortable. Its very similar to when

people find out that I ride bikes and then

instantly complain about bad interactions

with cyclists that they have had.

Since you seem to love pointing out what

others are (in your opinion) doing wrong

I am going to do the same for you.

2011-03-18 16:12:08

sooner or latter a coyote is going to see an opportunity in trailside living.

i've seen so many black snakes sunning themselves on the youghiogheny river trail. in the spring they are real slow moving so you got to keep your wits about you. on the plus side, you can legally run over a snake if you intend to eat it, you just need fishing license. all snakes are edible. not a bad way to fill the camp pot..

2011-03-18 17:30:01

oh and beware of spring peepers! these are those tiny frogs the size of a dime. they like to coat the entire trail surface during spring-time parties.

2011-03-18 17:32:06

^ them're my namesake

2011-03-18 19:43:10

+1 steevo

2011-03-18 20:04:24

For some reason, I just remembered my worst-ever wildlife interaction...riding the Delaware Water Gap a couple years back, when it was apparently swarming season for millipedes. *squish*squelch*crunch* for 20-some miles.

Disgusting...far worse than dried earthworms all over the underside of your bike, 'cause some of these bad boys were way bigger than any earthworm I've seen on the road.

2011-03-19 03:41:32

Ewwwww. Note to self: never go near Delaware.

2011-03-19 10:52:27