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Seattle upgrades. Aspirations for da Burgh?

I haven't been back to Seattle to visit for a while. Nine of the ten years I lived there were car-free. I made it in Pittsburgh for about 4 years before caving and getting a car.

Last week, I stopped through for a visit and got to experience the new-ish C-LINK light rail, right from Sea-Tac airport. $2.50 gets you and your bike into town. All the city buses had front racks that could hold 3 bikes. I miss the northwest. Even the salmon get transportation infrastructure.

2010-11-30 01:23:37

Oh Seattle, you had me at hello. It was the first city I'd ever set foot in other than Pittsburgh. Second was Vancouver. I was eight, and it was love at first sight.

This reminds me - heard a bit about Chicago mass transit getting corporate sponsorship from Apple and others... Has PAT explored that? Google is in town, maybe they could sponsor the routes that stop by their offices... UPMC could sponsor some routes, other businesses *ahem, (W), ahem* could sponsor routes near them *ahem, (13k), ahem*... I normally am not the biggest fan of involving corporations in a civic manner, but if it's less service or sponsorship, wouldn't it be worth a look?

2010-11-30 14:58:31

It sure would. I was beating that drum myself in the early/mid 1990s. Might be time for a revisit.

The biggest problem then was delivering readily understood transit usage info. Handing people a bus schedule doesn't cut it, not when four buses can all help you get there, from four different bus stops within 200 feet, on four different paper timetables -- the situation I had to deal with in just the past hour. Something like this happens thousands of times a day.

Transit will be a lot easier to sell when the idea of using transit is a lot easier to buy.

2010-11-30 19:06:54 would help.

In the Twin Cities they have bike racks on the light rail:

I took that photo this summer after I walked off my plane and right onto a light rail train.

2010-11-30 19:22:34

Nextbus is awesome. I've gotten a taste of it in Portland and San Fran.

2010-11-30 21:04:33