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Seeking bike saddle suggestions for my wife

My wife is getting ready to start riding her road bike again six weeks after giving birth. She was never very comfortable with the saddle that came with her bike, even before she became pregnant and stopped riding. She also had an episiotomy during delivery, and she tells me that from what she's read, it is very difficult for women who have had this procedure to find a comfortable saddle. So, are there any women out there who have had a similar experience and found a saddle that you liked? Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

2012-10-15 00:59:31

To avoid pressure in that region, I recommend a hard, stiff saddle. I'm not sure how serious you guys are about riding, but a "professional" style saddle might suit her best. It took me a few weeks to adjust to a hard saddle, but it is definitely worth it for reducing soft tissue compression. If the saddle is too cushioned, you will sink into it and begin to compress sensitive areas. I swear by the Specialized Romin. I have both the Elite and Gel models and they are great.

2012-10-15 01:04:51

Please allow me, before somebody else has to make the point, to respectfully wonder aloud if the problem with bicycling in general vis-a-vis the presence of women in cycling isn't essentially distilled in this very thread: two men giving each other advice on post-birth bike seats.

Mega-Congrats on the baby, hope everybody is doing well and that you're getting enough sleep.

I wonder if it's not time for something like Ovarian Cycles (but Burgh-flava'd) in Pittsburgh.

2012-10-15 01:12:27

Selle San Marco glamour astride Is what I have on all of my bikes. I imagine that the more time she gives her soft tissues to heal, the less problems she will have. A good fit in general is better, as to avoid sitting too far forward on the nose and smooshing her taint and girl parts. I think that maybe a brooks saddle may be really good though.. But maybe after she loses the baby weight all together.

2012-10-15 01:45:13

@Vannevar, I dunno--these things are so individual that I'm not sure whether advice from anyone, male or female, is going to be iron-clad.

@bhattenb, I didn't have much trouble, but everyone is so different. Any way she can go try out a few different saddles to see what works for her?

2012-10-15 02:36:25

I've used the WTB women's saddles for years and love them. Then again, I haven't had kids, so I have no idea how they will feel for you.

@Vannevar, thanks for the link to the Ovarian Cycles! I didn't know about them before...

2012-10-15 16:06:36

I picked up a Bontrager Inform RL Saddle WSD

recently and found it made a real difference pretty much immediately. Wasn't anywhere near a bike for years after having kids, tho.

2012-10-15 18:08:49

Bontrager saddles also have a 30 day comfort guarantee, so if it's not the right thing you can take it back for a full refund.

2012-10-15 18:31:52

Also, BTW, consider getting a professional bike fitting done. A saddle is only part of the fit but it's definitely where you notice the problem. It's expensive but it might be worth it to get UPMC Sports Center to do a fitting, and recommend saddles etc.

2012-10-15 18:50:23 -- it's not that I recommend specialized saddles but it gives you an idea how saddle works and how it's supposed to be chosen (with pictures). First width of seat back -- buy one that fits you. As mentioned above, everyone is different so chose saddle nose length/width, cutouts, etc as it comfortable for you. And then UPMC Sports Center for a correct position.

edited to add pictures

2012-10-15 19:01:31

Thanks for all the suggestions, folks. She will definitely spend some time trying out a few different saddles, but it's great to have an idea of where to start.

2012-10-15 20:08:20

the bike fit makes a great gift. its well worth the money for anyone who is serious about riding, especially on a road bike.

2012-10-15 21:17:13

try a google search of the teamestrogen forums...

2012-10-16 06:14:14


OP, just for background, what type of riding did your wife do before? Hybrid, drop bar road, etc? That makes a big difference in saddles.

Obviously it's just going to take some time for her to get back to it. Patience.

Also aside from her particular situation, it's been my experience that the butt takes longer to "get in shape" for riding than legs, lungs, or anything, so some patience is needed there also. Unless there is sharp pain or numbness, complete saddle comfort takes a little time and the butt just needs to harden up a little. Bike seats are not something that the human body is naturally accustomed to.

Other than that I am of no help. I have ridden old solid plastic Unicanitor saddles across the country without any problems. My butt is like an anvil, or something, at this point.

2012-10-16 11:05:22

"My butt is like an anvil, or something, at this point."

I hear prison will do that to you too...

2012-10-16 18:22:47