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South Side Trail to Carson - The train's in the way.

I don't know that there's anything that can be done about this, but I figured this'd be the best place to ask.

I ride from Homestead area down to the Southside trail and back all the time. For the last year or so, there's been that collection of train cars sitting on the Carson-side tracks. For whatever reason, they moved those cars back about a quarter mile sometime in the last few weeks.

Just enough to block the easy access out to Carson, so now you have to walk down past the last train car and back up to the access spot to get to Carson.

Again, I realize this is probably a silly question, but is there anyone we can call to ask them to move those cars back to where they were?

It's kind of a nuisance, and I can't see how it matters to them exactly where those cars are sitting.

2009-06-05 17:15:06

hmmm. i think if you called csx, they's say you shouldn't be tresspassing. that is annoying. i alwasys wondered why they left those cars there. are you talking about right near the ice cream shop? the ice cream shop could fund a bridge with all the money they'd make if from the trail users

2009-06-05 20:18:03

Yeah, I figured if I called someone I'd get a response like that.

I'm talking about the end of the Southside trail, where you can either walk down along the tracks to the Sandcastle entrance or hop the tracks and guardrail and get onto Carson. I prefer tracks/guardrail/Carson.

The good thing is that they didn't move the cars so far down that you have to hike real far to get around them, but still, why did they move the cars at all? We'll never know.

If they could just get the trail all nice and connected from Southside to the Waterfront...

2009-06-05 20:53:54

Those railcars are automobile transport cars. It is indicative of the collapsing car industry that the railroad has essentially mothballed them but sitting them on a siding until the industry recovers. They may have moved them back to make room for more.

It's unfortunate that they block you trying to get from the safe bike trail to the dangerous route of East Carson, further blocked by Sandcastles continued reticence towards the Great Allegheny Passage, but on the plus side, it means fewer cars. I, for one, have a certain amount of welcome for the collapse of the auto industry. Did you know that for the first time in decades, bike sales in the US have outpaced car sales?

2009-06-06 14:37:38