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Southside giant eagle-no bike racks-can yinz do me a favor?

locking up at this one is terrible, you have to use this bar that is next to a huge glass window. the bar is secured by one screw, and you always have to think that one time the glass just might break.

I've complained to them several times, and the manager has more or less given me the runaround. one time he said basically, not my problem, call the building owner. when i asked for the building owner's contact, he told me to go over to another building, because the info is on some sign over there. for some reason i don't think he made pepsi or the red box people call the building owner on their own, that's what managers do.

another person told me that they got rid of bike racks because "they messed it up." when i asked what that meant, she replied, a bike got stolen, so that got rid of the rack. i wanted to ask her if i went out and stole a car if they'd get rid of the lot, but i knew it wouldn't go anywhere.

we all know that giant eagle's attempt to put on a "green" image is a bunch of balogna. but i still need to go there, and so do a ton of other riders. i always see bikes there.

anyway, if yinz could do a bit of email activism for me, i'd really really appreciate it. just follow the link and send an email requesting a rack. make sure to choose the southside location. its silly that this is in such a dense urban hood and there is no rack



2009-04-09 20:56:23

Let's say some of us had access to a rack, a cordless drill, some concrete anchors, a big ratchet and most importantly some official looking coveralls. Maybe a generic work order. Do you think they'd remove it?

2009-04-09 21:00:09

well, sending a few emails is a little bit easier

if only people who drove cars had to take their parking problems into their own hands.

ok-lets hijack us a concrete truck, oh yeah and a steamroller, we put some overalls on with "crew" on it, then we pave a section and paint it up.-you think they'd remove it?

2009-04-09 22:09:22

I just followed up with my contacts there (property managers and store managers) to kindly request they act soon to put in racks. I even said, please don't think I'm trying to sell you our racks, I just want to see any cyclist-recommended racks put in to accommodate your customers.

2009-04-09 22:15:41

Haha, I like BradQ's idea - let's all be Yehuda Moon!

(courtesy of Yehuda Moon )

2009-04-09 23:30:32

I secure my bike to the shopping cart stall. There's one in the lot facing the store and one off to the side.

I really don't see where a rack could be installed and not be a hitching post to hangers-on and jitney drivers by the south door.

We could lobby for the removal of one car parking stall and converting it to a series of bike racks. Could we fit 20 bikes within one car parking stall by strategically placed racks?

2009-04-10 00:43:41

there's room over by the soda machines or garbage cans if they want it. i don't like the idea of putting my bike in a spot where people push shopping carts in at high speed. that's not the kind of repairs i'd like to do

yehuda moon is so spot on at times it's scary

2009-04-10 14:36:22

well, things are looking up got this response. let's hope it's for real:

Hi Eric,

I have passed this information on to my main office and the have

contacted the owner of the plazza. I know that they have talked to them

and I believe they are looking at a rack fo r 4-6 bikes.

2009-04-13 15:40:45

still no rack. they did re-paint the parking lot though.

2009-06-15 16:28:17

I went ahead and sent them an email. The Squirrel Hill location has bike parking, no reason why they can't.

2009-06-15 17:24:04

"The landlord is in the process of getting a bike rack. We have looked at several options and it should be here soon."

2009-06-16 13:51:46

this better be the best bike rack ever. that's what they told me 2 months ago

2009-06-16 13:55:03

this better be the best bike rack ever. that's what they told me 2 months ago

2009-06-16 13:55:03


thanks yinz! and thanks giant eagle.

it's not in an ideal location, but whatevs.

this was taken just a couple of minutes ago at like 10:30 on a sunday nite. the funny thing was, when i walked in, the talking heads were on, and david byrne just designed all of those bike racks in NYC.

also, when i left, there were 5 other bikes- two were locked to the crappy railing, and 3 were locked in a pile - all on the other side of the entrance. they probably didn't know the rack was there.

2009-06-22 02:44:52

it's a classy rack to boot. so glad they didn't get one of those toaster style ones or one like the new "bike rack" on the side of REI or the ones at whole foods in the parking lot

2009-06-22 03:11:17

awesome i also emailed. because i like telling GE what to do.

So this brings me to another question. When I went to Magee Womens the other day, I didnt see a damn bike rack anywhere. So I began to lock to a sign. I was told I couldn't and asked where the bike racks were. I was given vague directions and eventually found them.... with another woman who was riding :)

But---now that we have been getting more bike racks installed--yay! is there a way to get signs with a bike rack and an arrow or something? Or a giant BIKES sign above racks or something to let us know where they are if they are there???

2009-06-23 14:50:09

sometimes you just gotta ask....or make a thread and get all of your friends to ask with you.

maybe a phone call to the right people at magee? i had a similar problem there once, long long ago.

2009-06-23 14:57:51

I got some hassle about locking my bike to a railing at Magee too.

Great thread erok, good to see the system does work, at least sometimes.

And are you old enough to refer to anything in your lifetime as long, long ago?

2009-06-23 15:06:40