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Squirrel Hill Giant Eagle Bike Rack

Hey neighbors- I would like to move the bike rack at the Squirrel Hill Giant Eagle from the present location to the area on the other side of the plastic bag recycling structure if they will let us. That way maybe we can put it where more bikes can use it (both sides? ) and it will be protected from the rain. Any thoughts one way or the other before I proceed? Maybe a good place for one of those racks CMU was tossing. They do have some nice shiny new racks on campus.
2013-06-13 11:50:22
At the same time you get permission to move the existing rack you could show the management the info BikePgh has on bike racks, to maybe get them to buy a better rack. I hate those old wheelbender types, which are hard to lock to.
2013-06-13 11:53:05