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Stolen: Redline cross bike

48cm red/white/blue cross bike, stolen in Oakland today. If you see such a thing please comment here or drop me a line at csmayhew at gmail. Thanks!
2013-11-21 18:23:41
Chris, is it yours? Sorry to hear it.
2013-11-21 20:05:54
Got a pic? The week after I got hit by a car, my bike "got stolen." Thing is the girl next door (all 4'11" and 93 lbs of her)stopped three misguided adolecents and shook her finger in their faces and said "That isn't your bike," They dropped it. She was trying to heave the bike and panniers back up my front stairs - before I knew it was gone. My life seems to lack consequences. Me and 2 guys from across the street chased the kids around Oakland. (Comedy of errors that I have not the time or patience to describe. Spiderman was only peripherally involved.) The kids doing the taking were maybe 12 years old. Maybe 11. Two of the 3 kids had bikes (probably they didn't purchase them). A week before that my neighbor's roomate ahd a bike stolen from their back yard. My impression is the kids live South of the Blvd and East of Bates. Not a big area. I'm thinking if a few of us got together with pics of stolen bikes, we could cruise south Oakland Alleys. Maybe find find the missing bikes. It's happened before. I daresay the kids wouldn't tip off their moms by bringing the bike in the house. Chris, you got pics? Anyone up for this? Saturday? Sunday?
2013-11-21 21:21:21
2013-11-22 08:33:43
Distinctive ride. I'm in Oakland, will keep a look out for your Redline. Saw that Masi that got reunited with its owner downtown the other day, took pics, before I went on here and got reminded it had been returned.
2013-11-22 09:28:53
Thick recovered this today.
2013-11-22 23:07:23
stefb wrote:Thick recovered this today.
2013-11-22 23:34:08
Fantastic! Is that what that completely inscrutable Thick FB post was about?
2013-11-23 09:37:12
It looked like the same bike
2013-11-23 12:34:01