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Street Sweeping?

Anyone know how often the city busts out those Street Sweepers?

I swear Ive seen them up in Polish Hill recently, maybe a month or two ago. But, still ended up wiping out and sliding across the pavement last night when I hit a bunch of loose cinders around the 28th Street Bridge. Ouch.

Do they have a regular cycle to sweeping the roads, or do you have to call in to get certain roads taken care of?

2012-07-11 16:01:01

It should be marked on signs on the side of the road if there's the possibility of parking - First Tuesdays or Every Wednesday or whatever. If there's no parking, I'm not sure they sweep it at all - I'd 311 it as often as it needs it, it might goad them to add it to a neighborhood route and keep it clean if it's not already in a plan.

2012-07-11 16:08:45

On my street, when they sweep, loose gravel and debris get left by the curb at the corner.

Does not make wiping out on a bike less likely.

2012-07-11 18:13:00

You can call 311/submit a request via the city website. The DPW has been responsive in the past for requests to sweep, say, the Birmingham Bridge.

2012-07-11 18:48:08