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Take Action: Tell the Candidates That You Want Safe Streets

Heya all! We're doing this petition drive to get as many voters to sign stating that safe streets for biking and walking should be a priority for the candidates. since our mayor is determined by a primary, probably by a few thousand votes, we are trying to show that a) these ideas are popular, and b) that we can swing an election. So PLEASE, take just a second and sign our petition. I know you're thinking, not another online petition. But hey, it can only help if we can present thousands of names to the candidates who are trying to get every vote possible. Thanks!!! http://localhost/2013/03/22/take-action-tell-the-candidates-that-you-want-safe-streets/
2013-03-22 09:08:42
Just wanted to make sure i said THANKS!!!!!!!
2013-03-22 09:12:32
@erok, Is this for city residents only, or can anyone sign?
2013-03-22 09:13:19
The survey allows a respondent to identify themselves as a City resident, or a resident of another municipality, so I would presume that non-City residents are permitted to sign. However, as a non-City resident, I wish there was a drop down box that permitted me to indicate that I work in the City. That would seem to give me a stake in this issue, as opposed to just contributing as an observer.
2013-03-22 11:12:21
^Excellent point.
2013-03-22 11:41:53
anyone can sign - good feedback. We're approaching 200 in just a couple hours!
2013-03-22 12:18:27
and not to discourage anyone from submitting, because we welcome it, but when it comes down to it, they are going to be most concerned with people that can vote for them.
2013-03-22 12:23:51
it would be really cool if all 90 neighborhoods repped this
2013-03-22 13:44:45
Who here is from Windgap? Fairywood? Step right up!
2013-03-22 15:37:18
i want to see at least one sheridan too
2013-03-22 15:38:20
Signed. Will BikePgh be asking the candidates questions and posting their responses? A well thought out and sincere answer could sway how I pull the lever...or touch the bootleg Diebold screens that might not count my vote anyway.
2013-03-22 17:36:55
Yes, absolutely we will.
2013-03-22 17:41:26
wow, totally impressive start. already near 300
2013-03-22 19:15:16
Our goal is 2000 signatures, the amount of votes it could take to win an election. So far we're nearly 1/7 of the way there after only one day. Please help spread the word and encourage your friends, family and neighbors to sign the petition. FB it, tweet it, Google+ it, blog it, and email it. We'll come out with a pdf you can print out and help collect signatures in person too. We'll let you know when that's available.
2013-03-22 20:10:28
Well, I've signed but I am not a resident of the city (I work in the city). So one vote less...
2013-03-23 20:37:53
ok, I signed. There's currently >450 names. More is needed. And I got to thinking. It's nice to sign petitions and all, but at some point we do need to know where the candidates stand. After all, what really matters is the voting, and I'd like to cast an informed vote. What *are* the positions of our remaining mayoral candidates? I don't expect them to necessarily Meet The Erok like they have to do with the local Editorial Boards. But I think most of us would like to know something about their positions on bikes and local transit. Did Bike Pgh actually get to talk with any of the candidates? Or even with the intern in charge of the bumper-stickers? Did any any promises get flung our way? Bike Pgh shouldn't have to make endorsements or anything (maybe not such a good idea at this stage) but do tell us what's happening.
2013-03-24 20:52:46
Ahlir, The petition is just step 1 to prove to the candidates that these are popular issues and that there are lots of people who think about our issues when they go to the polls. Like every other election we'll be asking the candidates where they stand on our issues. http://localhost/2011/05/10/bike-the-vote-2011/ http://localhost/2009/05/06/bike-the-vote-pittsburghs-democratic-mayoral-candidates-answer-questions-from-bikepgh/ http://localhost/bike-the-vote/ We lost the content to the candidate's responses back in 2005 when O'Connor, Peduto and Lamb ran for Mayor, but I can attest that we did ask them questions and they all answered http://localhost/2005/05/12/volume-4-issue-4-may-12-2005/
2013-03-25 07:40:07
I think we need to do a better job reaching for signatures outside of our core set of message board junkies (and by the way, if you're in that category here and haven't signed, takes 2 seconds, no excuses okay?). I'm not a social media guy, but I did put it out via google+ to a dozen or so folks if that counts. Finally, was trying to find the simplest way to google this so I could mention in casual conversation and found that the post gazette links aren't working. Didn't have time to dig for a contact, so just left a comment there pointing back to the actual petition, but they really need to go back in and fix the link, and I'd suggest they place it back to the top on the "News" tab since it would then be functional and frankly the "tech links" they have going now are filler.
2013-03-25 12:25:16
@byogman, one thing to note. It hasn't yet gone out in an email blast which goes to 13,000 people. That will happen shortly.
2013-03-26 08:18:40
Top, because it's important.
2013-03-27 13:26:59
You can change my neighborhood to "Squirrel Hill North" if we really want to cover all of the neighborhoods, I should have been more precise. Honesly I never knew they were two separate things until I moved here, but it's in a different council district and everything.
2013-03-27 21:55:16
We launched the petition one week ago today. Using only social media thus far nearly 650 people have signed it (some opted out of having their names listed online). Last night at the Pgh Bicycle Film Fest we got dozens more. Soon we will be sending the petition out to our email list of over 13,000 and putting it in bike shops. If you haven't signed it yet, please do so. If you could help promote it every week or two using your preferred social media outlet, that would be a big help.
2013-03-29 07:15:20
top! please keep sharing!
2013-03-30 10:13:48
Welp, looks like Lamb is out.
2013-04-01 18:30:47