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Technically a bicycle...... I want to see video of this being pedaled. Curious what sort of pedal gearing it might have. what else is technically a bike?
2021-05-05 12:57:24
Personally, I don't think any of those things belong on "bike lanes" or "bike paths".  Plugging something in so some coal fired power plant can power it, isn't "green", nor is it equal to pedaling a bicycle. That is a scooter, but I am afraid we will see more and more scooters/atvs/small motorcycles on our bikeways.  It's coming to a bike path near you.
2021-05-07 09:25:16
Looks like a slimmed down version of our Scoobi machines.
2021-05-07 19:02:31
I see the occasional thing that looks exactly like a bicycle -except the riders never pedal and they move along at a pretty zippy pace. I got passed by one on the "bicycles allowed on sidewalk" bridge near my home.   The motorbike looked like a bicycle. It had 100+ mm tires, was pretty heavy, and moved at 15 mph or faster. The driver gave no audible warning, on a sidewalk < 6 ft  wide.  I was on foot. It was scary. There will be accidents with these motorbikes.  Many, MANY more than would happen with  bicycles.  After all, you have to pay a bit of attention to get a bicycle going 15 mph on the flat. Looking like a Scoobi doesn't change anything either way. On the other hand, I'm 68 years old.  I have a reputation for being slow as molasses - and I've earned it. I expect that 10 years from now, I'll have an electric-assisted bicycle - if I'm riding at all. I imagine that, if I pass a pedestrian on a sidewalk, it will be the same as now.  I'll slow down to 6 mph, and give audible warning.   I don't expect that will be a problem. The issue of how to handle these motorbikes will be solved with custom and laws.   It won't be easy.  I'm not sure what it will look like.   Maybe "Sidewalk shared with bicycles.  Speed limit 5 mph."
2021-05-07 19:55:28
I have noticed a recent influx of electric stand on scooters, all on downtown sidewalks. These are also pretty quick, and I am sure not legal on the sidewalk. As current laws are, I suspect they are legal in bike lanes.
2021-05-09 10:44:47