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The best commute day ever?

I think yesterday might have been one of the best commute days ever. On the way into town I had to interact with only one PAT Bus. It was a 500, and the driver could not have been more considerate. Across the Jack's Run Bridge on the sidewalk, where some cyclists have apparently been told they are not allowed to ride. I was heartily thanked for yielding way on the narrow path by construction workers carrying heavy materials. No pushback from them at all, ever, for me personally. Then down past my favorite school crossing guard who was surrounded by parents celebrating the second to last day of school in the Pgh School District. I was able to wish her and another c.g. a happy summer. I'll miss seeing them each day. My trip home was delayed briefly by a huge storm that rolled through downtown just before 5:00. But, looking out the window, I could see my route home through the North Side was still dry, so I decided NOT to rack and roll. What a great decision. The sun was shining. The pavement was completely dry. Traffic was light, and memorable only due to a wonderfully considerate UPS box truck driver that I played cat and mouse with for a mile or more. A cool breeze kept me from overheating as I pedaled up California Avenue from the Post Office. With the Jack's Run Bridge under construction, buses are re-routed, so again I was able to get through the Bellevue Business District without any interaction with PAT. I did get to watch a Bellevue Police cruiser run a red light in front of me. Fortunately we were headed the same direction. He put his flashing lights on a half block past the intersection.

I wish that I could bottle that commute, both ways, and offer it up as a sample of what bike commuting is like for all those folks who have not yet tried it. It just doesn't get any better than yesterday.

2010-06-17 13:06:15

I had a pretty awesome commute both ways yesterday too. Had nice interactions with a few other cyclists and people walking.

Contrast that to today which was odd to say the least.

2010-06-17 13:40:02

The universe smiled on you for all your work. :)

2010-06-17 13:51:02

you know what's awesome? riding bikes.

2010-06-17 13:52:48

Contrast that to today which was odd to say the least.

I had a nice ride in today. Maybe it balances out.

2010-06-17 13:57:27

i discovered that wearing a slayer shirt while commuting gets me yelled at in positive ways. instead of "GET A CAR!!!" et al i was getting "SLAYER!" a LOT. think i might start wearing a slayer shirt and hanging a terrible towel out of my back pocket all the time.

2010-06-17 14:40:55

New jersey idea! Yinzer kitsch. More effective than a red blinky and nobody will ever get cussed at again.

2010-06-17 14:45:45

islays jerseys? team chipped ham!

2010-06-17 14:49:38

My trip in wasn't bad, but just odd. Lots of head shaking moments.

2010-06-17 14:51:28

Yesterday I had the worst day of the year so far. It felt like everything was wrong (work, home, everything), I wanted to curl into a ball and hide and nap until the world was right again.

Then on my way home, biking from my carpool, A guy in a truck shouts at me "Hey Girlie!!!" all friendly like - it's a neighbor I just met at a council meeting last week. I shout a hello and wave, and you couldn't have wiped the grin off my face for anything (I know very few of my neighbors, and have felt isolated because of it, so having one recognize me is like winning the lotto). He recognized me because I rode my bike to the meeting, and I'm the smiling girl with the yellow helmet and green crate. Turned my day around.

Riding bikes is indeed awesome.

2010-06-17 15:02:47

I'm gonna have to buy some more SLAYER t-shirts.

2010-06-17 15:20:07

I have considered getting a stillirs bike jersey.

I also thought about something with the confederate battle flag on it, but I suspect people wouldn't appreciate the irony.

2010-06-17 15:30:15

Gonna make car free friday my best commute so far of the year (well ok my first commute of the year) I hope it will go well.

2010-06-17 19:36:42

Yeah, when it was earlier in the year I made a conscious effort to wear my Penguins gear (Crosby T-shirt, Malkin jersey) and I noticed that I tended to get less flack while riding with those on. I do think there is a tendency here to think of cyclists as "alien" or something, so when a driver sees Pittsburgh swag they form some sort of emotional connection and consider you more of a human being.

Seriously, psychology is a big factor for drivers.

2010-06-17 20:18:40

Today's trip involved FOUR modes of travel.

1) Started off on bicycle to retrieve car, which was at the shop for a two-day repair job.

2) Loaded bike in car; drove to work.

3) Left car at work at day's end and carpooled Downtown.

4) Caught the 12A bus home.

The plan is that I will bike to work tomorrow/Friday, then drive both bikes down to the Flock Of Cycles ride, so will have a spare bike in case someone has a breakdown or shows up with one more friend than bicycle.

Still, even for me, that's an unusual commute.

2010-06-18 02:45:27

hey dbacklover that's awesome, let me know how it goes! I'll bikepool with you next Friday if you like? I have off, and am curious what "real" bike commuters go through (my 2-3 miles outbound on back roads to a carpool just doesn't count in my mind).

2010-06-18 13:36:39

I had a great ride in this morning. 7 miles of perfect weather and fun. I think I only hit three red lights the entire trip!

2010-06-18 15:01:46