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tightening rear wheel on cassette

I have a wheel in my rear cassette that is loosening a little my "5th" gear wheel on my rear there a way to tighten these...or is it shot? My cassette is about 10 years old but in good shape teeth are not ground down.

2009-08-11 17:33:54

Have you tried just tightening the cassette lock ring? You will need a special tool for it if you dont have one, but kraynicks and freeride would obviously have them.

2009-08-11 17:44:03

I once had a broken spacer (okay, three. I might have overtightened the lockring a little. Anybody know where I can get some 2.8mm spacers? Kraynicks... right). I'm amazed you made one cassette last 10 years -- you must be a lot better about replacing chains frequently than I am ;(

You do mean "cassette" and not a traditional freewheel, right?

2009-08-11 18:43:27

Yeah cassette....I think ? it's the fifth ring (when you are in 5th gear on the right shifter). I have not really done anything to check it out. I replaced my chain twice over the past 10 years.

2009-08-11 19:11:52

I've had problems replacing the chain and not the cassette. My understanding is that these somehow wear together (or so I've been told by my local bike shop), so if you replace one, the other may need replacing as well.

Just a thought.

2009-08-13 19:18:09