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Today's ride!

I hope it's that last day i wwear long johns and 2 pairs of pants. Poster "Pbeaves" passed me on 5th. It felt good to hear someone say "Hi, Mick!" He was going faster than me. This surprises no one.
2014-03-13 10:19:15
2 days ago I was riding in baggies doing laps in Schenley at 9PM. Thought I was done with the lobster claws & hard core baselayers. Alas, no. Today's wind made me hate life.
2014-03-13 13:53:58
Yeah, I had ample opportunity to sample the wind as I was wasting my life away waiting for Surtrac to grant me a green light (twice!). I even had enough time to come up with a whole new slogan for them. Surtrac(TM): Drive a car, or get left out in the cold! I twerted it to Peduto but I guess he didn't like it. Or BikePgh for that matter :(
2014-03-13 20:06:54
I reported surtac issues to 311 after the february flock ride, it didn't accomodate a group of about 20 cyclings in tight formation waiting at the lights behind target. Despite the fact that there was next to no traffic otherwise.
2014-03-14 10:25:04