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Tour De France 2017 Fantasy League

Hi all, I thought that some of us might be interested in having a little fantasy league for the Tour de France this year. I'm not sure if I'll get enough interest, but I thought I'd give it a try. Here are the details to sign up: First you have to sign up and create your fantasy team. Then you can join our league. The league code is 80608577 Let me know if you are interested or have any questions. I've never done this before. Maybe someone can donate a bottle or something for the winner.
2017-06-21 12:17:22
Well, someone else did sign up. Anyone else? Tour starts next weekend!
2017-06-24 18:00:18
Check your selections this week as rosters are finalized. I had to replace one team member who won't be riding the Tour.
2017-06-27 11:14:00
3 teams now! 2 days to go!!!
2017-06-29 11:22:44
We have six teams! Just don't know who everyone is. Last chance! Tour is tomorrow.
2017-06-30 17:55:42
Oofie. Looks like three of our teams have already lost key players on Stage 1. Very unfortunate.
2017-07-01 17:45:15
I feel so bad for valverde! It's a shame those metal barriers are used in the turns of a time trial stage in the rain. And now my man Quintana is going to have a tough go. Quintana just can't catch a break against froome in the tour.
2017-07-01 21:15:27
More fireworks on Stage 4, and implications for four of our teams. I consider myself fortunate in still having nine riders, even tho three of them haven't earned any points yet...
2017-07-04 15:24:42
I don't think Sagan should've been disqualified.
2017-07-05 05:50:59
2017-07-05 11:14:08
Poop. Third place out of six. Good, but not great. On the plus side, I had at least one rider finish in the top ten in every stage except one. I finished with two riders in the GC top ten: Yatesy & Aru. And I only had two riders DNF near the end of the tour, avoiding the early bloodbath that saw other teams lose Valverde, Izaguirre, Sagan, Cav, G, Porte, Demare, and Fuglsang. On the minus side, Chavez was a complete and total waste product, scoring only 12 points the entire tour. That's 1/100th of what Aru netted. And Chav only got those 12 because he was a member of the Orica team. Grr! Thibault Pinot wayunderperformed before dropping out. Tony Martin underperformed. And although Greipel scored points, he also underperformed. I would have done a lot better spending the extra two allocation points on Kittel. Hope y'all enjoyed. Thanks for setting up and joining.
2017-07-23 15:34:53
Wow, this has been such an interesting tour. So many story lines with Sagan vs Cav on stage 4, so many great riders crashing out, Froome actually having to defend and retake the jersey, Kittel's green jersey abandon, lots of disappointing as well with Quintana, griepel, Pinot, and lots of absences with tejay and nibali.  
2017-07-23 21:39:28