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Touring cyclists on Greentree hill

On 2 different occasions this week I have seen loaded touring cyclists riding up Greentree hill on the highway. The first was a young man and woman fully loaded, being escorted to the top by a following state trooper with lights agoing. Then a couple of days later, a solo guy cranking along at quite a respectable speed, who looked like he would get to the top before a police escort could get there.

Obviously they are coming in from the west, Ohio/West Va, but what possible source of directions could they be using that would put them on the highway!?! What the heck's going on?

2011-08-14 13:19:06

props to the statie for being their cover. ha.

2011-08-14 13:32:52

Whoa! That's rarely a place I want to be in a car, let alone bike. haha...

2011-08-14 16:26:10

up greentree hill? Like on 376 east bound, headed for the tunnels?

There's a lot of funky roads in Moon between the Montour Trail and business 376 and *other highways I don't remember well*. I recall trying to find my way around there a few times and headed in one direction it was quiet back roads, but when I needed to make the return trip I had to enter a highway to do it.

They may have run afoul of state roads co-opting local routes in one direction and not the other, or our infamous "You Can't Get There From Here"... but should have noticed prior to greentree hill. Like on the onramp.

2011-08-15 16:16:55

Hmmm...perhaps they came through good ol' Temperanceville, and bore to the left rather than up Greentree Rd. That would dump 'em off on the Banksville Rd/Parkway interchange mess.

2011-08-15 16:23:48

in SWPA we are not known for our crystal clear road signs. 28 south of Harmar headed southbound, Freeport divides and the signage never helps me decide which is the on ramp for some reason. I have almost gotten on 28S there on a bicycle, but knew enough to stop and phone a friend with and was able to avoid it.

2011-08-15 16:49:47

@ejwme - i have gone onto the 28 on ramp at that location on numerous occasions. luckily, the on ramp leads directly to an exit ramp, so you never actually have to get on 28 proper. but it would be nice to know which way is which without having to experience it.

2011-08-15 18:27:58