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UH OH ...... not a good precedent

A 30-year-old Brookline man was shot in the left leg Sunday night after a run-in with four young male bicyclists in Shadyside, police said.

The man was trying to park his car near Pierce Street and Maryland Avenue about 11 p.m. when four black males accused him of trying to hit their bikes, police said.

As he got out of his car, one of the bicyclists fired two shots, hitting him in his left thigh, police said.

The bicyclists took off, police said, and the man got back into his car to chase them down. Police said he saw one of them behind a dumpster on Ellsworth Avenue, but when he got out to confront his shooter, the bicyclist fired another shot.

Police said the man was taken to Presbyterian Hospital, where his condition was described as stable.

Police have made no arrests.

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2012-06-25 13:41:26

Sounds fishy. I don't know about you but if I were just shot in the leg I don't think I would chase my shooter down and get back out of my car to confront them again.

2012-06-25 13:47:33

I'd like to hear the other side of this story.

2012-06-25 14:02:27

Methinks the press does us a disservice by reporting stories before there is information.

2012-06-25 15:16:25

They gotta get their "story" out first, before someone else has another baseless tale to publish.

2012-06-25 15:17:52

Castle Doctrine may at once help the kids, hurt the victim...

2012-06-25 16:06:48

this is just such a bizarre story. who chases after people who are shooting at them?

2012-06-25 16:08:55

HV, I think that's the missing part of the story.

I don't think I'm ready to believe the "while parking his car" story - one or both parties involved did something inappropriate to the other and it escalated, and THEN the shot(s) got fired.

No way it started with one guy innocently parking, or 4 people innocently riding their bikes. Not if it ends with a chase TO a (supposedly one-sided) shoot out.

2012-06-25 16:18:40

People do chase after being shot. It does happen. Heard about a Penn State football player chasing some shooter down and actually catching him being shot for the second time. Guess he was possessed and just didn't care. The football player ended up getting the guy to the ground and taking the gun. Shooter was arrested. That was a long time ago, but I remember that story well.

This is an odd story, but I have been seeing plenty of hooded type cyclists in and around East Liberty. Not sure what it is all about, but maybe with the amount of crime being committed by so many kids these days, bicycles are the vehicle of choice. Don't know.

2012-06-25 16:20:17

Are you saying if you wear a hood on a bike it makes you a criminal?

2012-06-25 16:27:53

@ Marv Are you saying if you wear a hood on a bike it makes you a criminal?

Just another data point in my life of crime.

As to the original story - the shooter says that the bicyclists claimed he was trying to hit "their bikes." (Did he mean "them"?)

The question is: Was he trying to hit them?

2012-06-25 16:40:23

Nope, only hooded cyclists in East Liberty

(That's sarcasm.) Hcurtis seems to have a predisposition for seeing criminals. The story seems a little foul to me also. .

I'm going to take a wild guess that the driver did something that made the cyclists feel threatened, they let the driver know it, he went to confront the cyclists, maybe assault them, somebody shot the guy.

They take off, guys goes after them again, gets shot.

2012-06-25 16:44:19

electronic stutter, apologies.

2012-06-25 17:21:19

Could be a cover story for shooting himself in the leg, too. Could also be the beginning of a new gang that terrorizes by bicycle.

Lots of lack of information here. Speculation is interesting, but I'm not sure it's useful.

2012-06-25 17:21:19

I think immediately recognizing that what "the police said," may not be what actually happened is useful.

2012-06-25 17:23:03

This sounds preposterous to me..... something else is going on in here.

2012-06-25 20:23:28


Who is easier to blame than four mythical black youths (of course)...

in Shadyside (which is crawling with black youths)...

who shot because they thought their bikes were going to be hit (because their bikes were in a parking space?)...

and then ran (ok, rode)... but were caught (because their bikes are not as maneuverable and elusive as the wounded guy's car?)...

and so they shot again (because that worked out so well the first time)...

but missed (so I guess they rode-off again, and the wounded guy decided he had enough?)!

You don't need Jamie and Adam to determine this Myth unplausible.


2012-06-25 22:05:44

Just reread this story and realized he got shot in the thigh the first time. That's pretty close to the chest, you know, filled with vital organs.

This makes it even harder to imagine then going after the cyclists. I guess adrenaline does strange things though.

2012-06-25 22:25:28

Something to consider is that the driver may not have known he was shot in the leg when they went after the kids. A small caliber handgun combined with being hit in a less sensitive area of the thigh and probably having an adrenaline rush could explain why he went after them.

2012-06-25 22:48:51

That article is like 200 words and says

"police said" 6 times.

Here is real story:

Dude picks up somebody to buy drugs. Scuffle

as dude is getting robbed. Dude quickly makes

up story as to why he didnt call cops

from scene, why he was in his car, etc.

2012-06-26 00:43:17

Just saw coverage of this on the Channel 11 news. Went roughly like this:

"Police are searching for suspects in a ride-by shooting that's a lot different from the ones we usually bring you. This time, the suspects were... riding bicycles"

(...yes, that's right, BICYCLES)

The newscaster's tone wasn't "ermahgerd crazy killer cyclists!", but instead "lol, bikes? the things kids ride? people still use those? like, you mean, a human may have engaged in criminal activity while NOT inside a car? what an amusing novelty!"

And then all they said was that he was shot, then he was chased (contrary to what other stories have said), then "he stopped" (stopped what? stopped being chased?) after more shots were fired in his direction, and now he's in stable condition. Out of context, this made exactly zero sense.

2012-06-26 03:21:13

Ugh. Corporate-sponsored news.

"Haha folks! That's right! More gun-violence, but this time, ON BICYCLES!"

Any attention to our culture of violence or what may have let to the shootings? Nope. Let's key in on the novelty factor.

2012-06-26 03:27:28

Methinks the press does us a disservice by reporting stories before there is information.

And the point of TV news is to entertain and goad, not inform.

2012-06-26 05:47:45

"this is just such a bizarre story. who chases after people who are shooting at them?"

dynamic indeed

2012-06-26 07:10:57

"who chases after people who are shooting at them?" I was assaulted on Ardmore Boulevard by a swarm of kids. As they fled I chased them. Granted, they weren't shooting at me but I wasn't going to let them get away. I didn't expect to catch them either but I was trying to gather more info for id'ing them and they were running in the direction of a place I coulf get to a phone and call the cops.

In the end, the cops didn't come for an hour so that ended up being mostly a waste of time.

2012-06-26 19:44:31

Just normal stuff that goes on around East Liberty. Nothing to see here.

2012-06-27 02:00:56

I'm considering writing a letter to the P-G asking why they don't follow up on "breaking news" stories like this one. I suspect it is because Steevo is right: the truth of the matter bears little resemble the "story" that appears initially.

2012-06-27 12:13:57

I'm kind of tired of this slander against East Liberty. It allegedly happened in shadyside.

2012-06-27 12:29:00

Aye, I've ridden through and stopped at different points around East Liberty hundreds of times. I've never been shot at or chased.

2012-06-27 14:10:54

What is with the anti-East Liberty agenda these days?

2012-06-27 16:34:55

It's not "these days". It's been going on since the 1960s. And blame the media. Their bread and butter comes from selling the idea that certain parts of the city are like the Wild West.

How different life would be if there were no ads sold during newscasts.

2012-06-27 16:40:22

I was referring more towards our epidemic of vanishing bikes and now this, just "normal" stuff happening and it is noticed.

2012-06-27 16:48:02

That's not new, either. I've been hearing about how nasty, dirty and dangerous East Liberty is since I moved here in 2005.

The only people I personally know who were robbed at gunpoint in this city... were in Shadyside.

2012-06-27 23:44:20

the same holds true for me, mr. buffalo, but that's like saying most accidents happen within a mile of the home. by that i mean i am a shadyside resident.

to that point, though, i have already heard several people complaining about that new bridge to east liberty, and how it brings "those people" here. not exactly surprising, though.

2012-06-28 03:36:54

As if there hasn't been a bridge a block away on Highland for the last 80 years or so.

2012-06-28 04:21:24

I still love how bakery square and other businesses that are NOT in Shadyside are said to be in Shadyside, and not east liberty or larimer.

2012-06-28 10:03:09

I think I read somewhere, long ago, that "Shadyside" proper was Between Aiken and Morewood, and Fifth and Ellsworth. I suspect these neighborhood boundaries are more to the whim of realtor's fiat than hard municipal boundaries.

And besides, that whole part of town is moving towards being known as "Greater East-endia."

2012-06-28 10:06:38

2012-06-28 14:10:24


2012-06-28 14:26:39

Outstanding. Where can I get a poster version of that?

Except there needs to be a tiny enclave of cops and firefighters in Greentree.

2012-06-28 14:44:27

"Who lives in Hays?" Ha! Love it.

2012-06-28 14:56:38