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Video: How to bike in the city (tips for the bicycle curious) Immediately thought of the commuting 101 guide after seeing this.
2013-06-18 20:29:53
very cool. (spoiler alert) my two gripes: the bar-spinning rear-dismount trick was an obvious double, and the lock job was insufficient.
2013-06-19 13:55:17
Hopefully her bike-pro friend would show her how to wear a helmet right Her whole forehead is exposed! Agreed on the lock; that's probably the thinnest bike lock I've ever seen and I imagine a mouse or rat could easily cut through it Invest the money spent on the matching chain and tires on an actual lock
2013-06-19 15:34:27
For a bit under $30, you can get a really nice U-lock at Thick. I've learned to get the thing on and off in about 10 seconds. What's your peace of mind worth?
2013-06-20 05:15:48
@Pierce: Haha! A mouse or rat. And in NYC that might actually be something to consider. Or if you're hanging out down by the Mon. My favorite part is tip number 7: Don't run over pedestrians.
2013-06-21 09:15:02
Nice video. As for the bike lock complainers, that would all depend on where you live. In Pittsburgh we need huge bike locks. In low crime places, you might need nothing at all, or just some thin lock like in the vid. Always think of how it might be elsewhere, not in our own high crime bubbles.
2013-06-21 10:24:30
gg wrote:In low crime places you might need nothing at all, or just some thin lock like in the vid.
Could you name one? I live in USC and it considered pretty low crime area. Nevertheless police advises to lock your bike right (with U-lock), and police have free engrave tool ro "sign" whatever you need to sign.
2013-06-21 10:35:21