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Volunteers still needed for Bike to Work Day events! May 15 & 20

Car Free Fridays is coming soon with a National Bike to Work Day kickoff on May 20th! This year we will be launching a new tool called the Car Free Calculator that will allow you to track your walking and biking miles and its effect on your savings, health, and the environment. We will have free breakfast offered at Market Square, REI, CMU, Chatham, Pitt, North Side Trail, and Whole Foods.

We still need volunteers for the following:

(May 20th) Breakfast Tablers/Food Handlers from approx 7:30am - 10am:

**Market Square -- 1 PERSON

**REI South Side Works -- 1 PERSON

**Carnegie Melon University -- 1 PERSON

**Chatham -- 1 PERSON

**University of Pittsburgh -- 1 PERSON

**Whole Foods-- 2 PEOPLE

If you are a BIKE MECHANIC, we are also looking for people to do safety checks for Bike to Work Day participants at the breakfast stations.

(MAY 20TH) Bikepool Leaders:

What’s a BikePool? It’s like car pooling, but on bikes! People who need to ride from one neighborhood to another on a daily basis, meet up at a specified location and ride into work together.

Are you interested in leading a bikepool from your neighborhood to your workplace? Let me know what neighborhood you'll be biking from and what your destination is!

(MAY 15TH) Pittsburgh Marathon Activities:

We need several people to Distribute Flyers around all of the city's neighborhoods -- we are teaming up with Sustainable Pittsburgh to hand out both Great Outdoors Week and Car Free Fridays flyers

The Walls are Bad mile 25 Fluid Station still needs volunteers as well! Please PM TheLivingTed or e-mail him at ekingsmith(at) to volunteer.


2011-05-02 19:58:17

Dude you misspelled Carnegie Mellon.

2011-05-02 20:30:43

I can do market square, but will probably have to be at work at 9:30-10am, so it would be good to have a second person if I do it.

2011-05-03 01:00:10

Bill: Fruit was on my mind. Sorry about the typos/poor editing job. Not very professional of me.. this is why my title is "intern".

Erica: Cool! That should work just fine. If you need to leave early that's not a problem.

2011-05-04 07:26:37

@skipdip I could do the university, rei, downtown or whole foods locations, wherever you need help the most. sign me up! I'll send you a PM.

2011-05-04 15:54:34