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What a truck driver sees... not much

2012-12-08 07:50:03

Thank you for posting that. A PAT busdriver friend of mine told me that the Port Authority buses have a blind spot in the right rear of the buses.

2012-12-08 12:12:38

well as this is at least the second time I've reposted, unknowingly, it seems I choose a good user tag :)

2012-12-09 16:00:21

^^ :)

No harm in double posting; I point it out since many are unlikely to respond to the same video a second time.

2012-12-09 22:51:21

If you can't see their eyes in their mirrors, they can't see you. This really is a fantastic video. Looks to be the British equivalent of a wide right-hand turn with bikes in the right lane.

2012-12-10 13:10:05

a friend drives big rigs for a living - I asked him about drafting (for a car on the highway).

He basically said the same thing - if you cant see him, the driver, in the left side mirror, he can't see you. Make sure that every so often you 'pop out and make yourself known'.

2012-12-11 03:40:26