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Wheel Building class July 24

Posting this to promote the wheel building class being offerend at Free Ride this weekend. The class has 2 parts. Part 1 is this Saturday and the next part is August 12.

Wheel Building 1

In the first class we will measure hubs and rims to determine spoke length, order class materials (hubs, spokes and rims) and review basic principles of wheel construction to prepare for the second class. All students will need to either bring their own class materials, order them, or find appropriate used class materials at our shop in preparation for the second class.

Wheel Building 2

In this 3 hour follow-up we will lace up and tension the wheels. All students will need to either bring their own class materials (hubs, spokes and rims), order them in the first class, or find appropriate used class materials at our shop prior to this class.

See the web page for more details

2010-07-22 04:25:04

pretty nifty!

2010-07-22 12:38:46

free ride really needs to offer these classes as videos, the classes I can manage to get to are beginner classes (tire and tube, brakes, things I know) and the the ones I want to learn are always on days I cant make it.


2010-07-22 15:07:38