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When bikes die, bikes go to bike-heaven, and bike-heaven is Portland....

When bikes die, bikes go to bike-heaven, and bike-heaven is Portland.... word!

I was in Portland last weekend, and must say, as much as I love Pittsburgh, I was really jealous to see all the bike-friendliness that exists in Portland!


**Bike-sharing everywhere...

**Bike- parking everywhere...

**On rush hour, the bike-commuter lane was more crowded than the regular car-lane...

**Bikes, cars and pedestrians living as one, it was beautiful.....


**Saw a lot of people not wearing helmets.... I don't care how cool your bike or gear is, if you don't wear your bike-helmet, your brain is as gooey as anyones.

**Pittsburgh Birdges are much cooler than the ones in Portland, so when we really get going to a Brige-Bike Ride that takes over the city, is gonna be BEAUTIFUL!!!!

So yeah... a bit jealous, but gives me hope that Pittsburgh can try and work to reach those heights!

yes we can :)

2011-05-06 16:29:04

The dream of the 90s is a live in Portland, Portland, Portland...

Indeed bikeygirl, yes we can :D

2011-05-06 18:51:22