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who yinz votin' for?

despite the provocative title, i don't actually mean to ask about your personal decisions regarding the folks for whom you vote.

instead, i mean this as a) a reminder that it's votin' day, and 2) a request for information, if anyone's got it, regarding candidates' stances on the issues relevant to this board.

at the moment, i'm pretty in the dark. do some candidates favor certain approaches? are there any ballot "questions" that support cycling? what the deal is? what district am i in? does anyone know?

2010-05-18 04:24:51

I can help you with the last question. Go here.

It also tells you where your voting place is.

2010-05-18 08:35:29

I'm not really a fan of either of the guys running for Senator.

2010-05-18 14:10:01

I think Tim Murphy has been good at getting funds for rail-trails for local communities, but I wouldn't judge by that, I think it has been pretty self-serving. Most of his positions on everything else I find pretty undesirable.

In the absence of any biking specific issues, if anyone is at a complete loss, may I suggest reviewing the Planned Parenthood of Pa voters guide for some guidance? And don't even think about not voting.

2010-05-18 14:23:25

@sloaps: Yeah, it's the big downside to registering independent. Every election year, I contemplate switching to a party affiliation, just so I can influence the primary...not that I've ever actually DONE it...

2010-05-18 15:31:32