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Who's on the twitter?

We all know about @bikepgh, so I figure we may as well spread the love amongst ourselves. In a totally non-sexual, more geek-like sort of way. Ehem.


2009-05-07 03:30:42

i'm not sure if everyone knows about @bikepgh. we only have about 70 followers. we want to get that number way up. any ideas?

2009-05-07 04:53:45

Seems a lot of the bikepgh following is very fragmented. I imagine the members vs. people who contribute to the website / follow you on facebook or twitter ratio has got to be pretty skewed.

You're obviously very involved with the community, but I don't feel, from looking at the website at least, that the community is very involved with you. For all the bikees in pgh this forum should be buzzing.

Could be you need to get yourself out there and interact with the people on twitter/facebook more. Considering that every mention on either service gets publicized on a news feed / stream, the growth should be exponential from there.

2009-05-07 05:03:03

Although I have an account, I don't send tweets, but I follow @pghtrails.

Over the winter @pghtrails was started by bjanaszek to send updates of icing conditions on the jail trail and hot metal bridge.

Of all the forms of communication today, talking is still ace number one with me.

2009-05-07 10:25:55

i resisted twitter for a long time.

2009-05-07 14:15:03

with that said, i don't have a personal account, only put stuff on the recently formed bikepgh one.

2009-05-07 14:15:34

That's a decent theory robjdlc, i wonder if it has anything to do with the demographics of our audience. What's the age/sex/descriptors of a typical message board/twitterer/facebook user? seems to me most people who donate to organizations are going to be slightly older than those who are first adopters of social networking tools.

Maybe everyone here can help us get started by asking their friends to check us out on facebook and twitter and to check out our forums

Help us create the buzz!

2009-05-07 14:48:52

I somehow didn't even realize BikePGH was on Twitter.


2009-05-07 18:38:24

we just joined like a few weeks ago!

2009-05-07 18:45:48

If you want to get the numbers up, add it permanently to the website buttons on the right and to your email communications. Perhaps press releases as well.

Editing this cause I just saw it in the right side bar...

2009-05-07 20:20:28

yeah, that's brand new. i think it's been helping as traffic seems to be up recently. also, more folks thinking about bikes

2009-05-07 20:41:04

Another thing is to keep track of local bike conversation with searches, engage people in conversation and follow every local rider that you come across regardless if they follow you or not.

2009-05-08 18:41:15


2009-05-10 21:48:25

I was unaware that bike-pgh was on twitter. So nowq I'm following @bikepgh. I have an account but hardly ever tweet.

2009-05-11 03:11:29

Leave it to the guy who started the thread to mis-spell his own twitter handle.


2009-05-12 15:06:05

@bikepgh I think the best way to gain followers in Twitter is to just keep posting solid content, if they like what you have to say they will follow you.


2009-05-12 15:29:12

i have an acct but i dont use it. i cant really think of how it would actually be useful in my life.

2009-05-12 15:35:38

caitlin: I wrote something about twitter a little while ago, this is my take on it, and it might help you understand its utility:

2009-05-12 15:47:22

thats actually the best argument for twitter i have read. but i think the fact that i dont want any of it comin to my still old school cell phone is the biggest deterrant. I know I can follow in a different way, but it seems like one more distraction for me. But who knows. I signed up for an acct long long ago and have it but dont use it...



2009-05-12 16:06:13


2009-05-12 17:33:03

@joekromer and I have only talked I think twice in real life, once when we met and exchanged Twitter usernames and once at Flash Pitt.

I don't really find it useful, but fun. It's just fun, and a nice way to keep in touch.

2009-05-12 18:12:56


2009-05-12 18:57:08


2009-05-12 22:58:49

I started a list of Bike PGH members on Twitter. If you're not listed, add your username to this thread.

2010-04-20 16:16:35

yo... @quizbot

2010-04-20 17:52:21

@robscentury is my non-work twitter. Although it is mostly updates from iMapMyRide during my workouts, and occasional attempts at fundraising for the TourDeCure.

2010-04-20 18:09:07


2010-04-20 18:41:35

I try to post amusing things, not all related to biking.


2010-04-20 19:30:10

Ha ha. I keep forgetting people I already follow!

2010-04-20 20:14:03


This is kind of funny, as I only just joined Twitter two weekends ago after resisting for a long time. I did it to communicate with a friend who's only on Twitter...and then I created a second account (the one I posted here) to post all the fifty million news articles that I share on Facebook. I figured people might get tired of me posting them all there, so I moved them to Twitter.

2010-04-20 21:59:47

@icemanbb (I know, not very imaginative at all). I'm still trying to figure out the how/why of twitter for me.

2010-04-21 02:42:39

@bus15237 - I'm already on the list. At least half my tweets describe my commute. I usually bus from McCandless to Moon (labeled as "Doorknob" and "Desk"), but do use the bike (as I did yesterday) and occasionally drive or get a ride partway. I timestamp each tweet so I can measure the travel time between points. Often I add an observation about the bus, the weather, passenger counts. Throw in a bit of philosophy and the occasional earworm, and it find that Twitter makes for a sort of diary.

2010-04-21 09:44:16

@StuInMcCandless: When you first followed me, I didn't realize who you were. All I saw were tweets about your commute and for some reason (your username and content, I think) jumped to really strange conclusion.

For weeks, I've been telling people about this strange bus driver who is following me on twitter that tweets as he's driving his route! (

Strange how the brain works sometimes.) Finally a week or so ago, I figured out who you were and had to go back and explain to everyone that I was wrong.

So if you got any mentions or DMs accusing you of tweeting while driving a bus, that would be my fault.

2010-04-21 13:17:56

Ha ha. That's pretty funny myddrin.

2010-04-21 15:45:00

follow me @dmtroyer

2010-04-21 18:50:25

I figured it would be worthwhile to explain my weird tweets. No, myddrin, nobody's sent me anything I didn't invite or expect.

I mention it at all because, after about a year on Twitter, I've found an actual productive use for it.

2010-04-21 19:53:18

@mountainbiker mostly just links to galleries of photos I take

2010-04-21 23:29:39

dmtroyer, you're tweets are private.

2010-04-22 14:24:37

I can see dmtroyer's tweets. I guess that means you have to have a Twitter account, and be logged in, to see them.

2010-04-22 14:40:16


The last time I really used twitter was to follow what was going on during the G20.

2010-04-22 15:11:38

I think it's funny that everyone has to apologize or justify having a Twitter account. It's OK.

2010-04-22 15:52:04

I only said that because I rarely tweet. If you want to get hourly updates from me, find me on Facebook.

2010-04-22 18:23:41

linky broken

2010-04-23 15:28:47
2010-04-23 16:14:15