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Wrist Numbness and another Thank You

This is my first post with html code and images, so I'm sorry if this is a mess…

Since everyone has been thanking each other and mentioning random goodwill among the biking community, I've decided to add my testimonial to cyclists in the area.

When Robposted about his CAD-driven plasma cutter, I took him up on the offer to cut any metal parts needed.

I had been wanting to create some kind of wrist support for my long distance bike trips. I get numbness in my left wrist from leaning on the handlebars and I was looking for a way to displace the pressure points. He cut 2 pieces of aluminum for me. I fit the metal pieces into a pre-made velcro-and-neoprene wrist brace. The brace was was originally made for snow boarders - I had purchased it at Willi's.

Anyhow, Rob didn't know me, but he advised on the best material and size as well as cut 2 different thicknesses of the part for me. Thanks, Rob. So far it feels great, even though it's only on trainer rides! I'm using the 1/16" thickness.

And thanks too, to the entire cycling community for being equally helpful to each other. All of the shoveling' going on, the good directions when I'm lost, and the camaraderie on local rides are much appreciated.

Pix of the wrist brace with exposed cut aluminum and wrist brace assembled.


Team Decaf Weekend

2010-03-09 02:04:45

Hey, glad to help out a fellow cyclist and glad to see the final product! Maybe we can mass-produce these and make millions.

2010-03-09 04:46:23

Out of curiosity, have you ever tried anything that provides forearm support, like on aero-bars? You mentioned long distance bike trips, and I'm just thinking that with that brace, having your wrist fixed in that same position so long may bring it's own set of problems. I've had some mild nerve problems in the past, and the only way I've found to deal with it is to constantly change hand positions.

2010-03-09 12:32:19

having broken about every part of my left arm in cycling accidents i have two things to say...

1. That thing will help you a lot in accidents, not just when you're riding... added bonus!

2. I have all kinds of problems with drop bars since my last accident, mustache bars however keep all numbness and tingling at bay. i would recommend giving them a try

2010-03-10 01:47:48

Thanks for all of the suggestions.

And no, I haven't tried aero-bars, never even considered them until your post. For now, I'm feelin' like I'll try out my new invention, see how it works before I consider moving into something of aero-bar scope. Jeez, I really hope I don't have to go to that extent.

2010-03-10 03:09:20

I recently broke my left wrist, which created a similar issue for me. I bought a pair of expensive ergonomic grips, which are worth every penny, they really spread out the pressure over your whole, or most of your hand. I also got a pair of extra long bar ends at Freeride and attached them toward the middle of the bar, effectively giving me two sets of handlebars with lot's of different hand positions. I have seen Aero-bars at Freeride and they always have mustache bars and bar ends, go there, donate a little money and try out some different stuff.

2010-03-10 05:41:32

Vaguely related question - If you just want to pick up some used parts from free-ride, do you have to do so during the listed volunteer hours on their site or are there other 'general shop' times?

2010-03-11 23:23:47

I believe Free Ride is only open right now on Saturdays 1-5. The winter volunteer days on Sunday have expired but they haven't started up other days yet to the best of my knowledge.

If you are interested in changing this more staff is welcome.

2010-03-12 04:32:34

regular hours start March 23rd, check website

2010-03-12 11:52:32