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Yoga for Cyclists

Beginning next Tuesday I will be teaching a yoga class for cyclists (and runners, etc.) in Monroeville at Loughner Massage and Yoga ( The class is listed as "Yoga for Endurance Athletes" and will put some extra focus on areas that tend to be tight in cyclists and runners. It meets on Tuesday evenings from 7:15-8:30 PM. The fall and winter are great seasons to spend a little extra time working on flexibility! Any questions feel free to email me at mboyd50 (at) Mike Boyd
2013-09-06 13:07:01
I was hoping this would have yoga move and pose suggstions. I like yoga but have little tolerance for yoga classes. I do the sun salutation regularly. I couldn't find an instructional site with the exact variants I do but Wiki-how seems to have a couple of good variations. Usually a person inhales or exhales for each of the moves and that give the whole thing an overall rhythm. I just timed myself. It takes 35-40 seconds to go throguh one cycle of this. Great for a short break on a long bike ride. Usually I take my shoes off and hold some twist poses, so it takes a few minutes. Any other yoga suggstions?
2013-09-06 13:57:24
Mick, this is the only thing I can help you with. :)
2013-09-06 14:42:06